Online gambling is commonly considered a form of existence for the gambling industry, some even call it a logical extension of land-based establishments. However, the truth is that the evolution of gambling could lead to the end of traditional casinos as such. This did not happen for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the willingness of gambling operators to technologically develop and improve their facilities.
Land-based casinos often look old-fashioned, for some it is part of their image, but most gambling establishment owners are still eager to technologically improve their business.
The robots are already here
The emergence of online gambling, which is in many ways more simple and convenient than its traditional version, forced the operators to rethink their global business strategy. For example, artificial intelligence, virtual reality capabilities, video games and cyber sports began to be used in casino halls. These innovations allowed gambling establishments not to lose their audience.
The first autonomous robot to handle security at SoCal Pechanga Resort Casino is named Buddy. He gallivants through the halls of the casino-hotel, likes to take selfies and exchanges short phrases with visitors.
Casino operators quickly realized that their business would only exist in the long run if they could attract the attention of older, experienced players. This audience is not interested in traditional slot machines or jackpots, its representatives have grown up in the interactive world and expect the same from their leisure time. It is thanks to the focus on experienced players that hybrid types of gambling, such as cyber sports betting, have emerged.
In this context, cyber sports should be put in a separate category at all, because people are willing to pay money to be able to watch a pro’s fight in real time and gaming session. Thus, it can be argued that traditional casinos are gradually turning into truly modern ones. But the key place in this, of course, is behind the use of robots.
Artificial or human intelligence
Despite all the charms of advanced technology, one way or another, there will be areas in which the crown of all – the human mind. For example, no matter how well-trained a computer is, there will always be someone who can beat it at chess. Artificial intelligence cannot predict the outcome of a soccer game or a game of chance, where winning depends entirely on luck.
Perspectives on poker
Given the development of modern technology, the first people who need to watch out for artificial intelligence in casinos are professional poker players. Scientists are already working on a robot player that can anticipate the opponent’s moves and calculate the odds. It should not be forgotten that robots are created by people, which means that they are no stranger to mistakes.
However, if the invasion of machines in gambling halls is inevitable, it is worth considering that full implementation of robots in casinos means a fundamental change in the security structure of the latter. Automation will always provoke cheaters to make desperate attempts to take possession of the system and use it for their own purposes.
Dealers and what to expect next
The G2E Asia 2017 exhibition foreshadowed the future of casinos. The event was held at a time when gambling establishment owners were trying to come up with an alternative to dealers. The fact is that casino dealer salaries have increased by 150% in the last 10 years. On this basis, it is not surprising that the gambling business owners pay attention to the alternative – less expensive solutions. One of them is the robot-crook Min. The technology is already being used in Macau and the United States. However, at the moment we are only talking about prototypes. It is expected that when the project is finally implemented, the robot krupier will not only be able to deal cards, but also to interact with players and detect fraud.

The other side of the coin
Robotization has become a serious problem in Las Vegas. The process of replacing employees with tech in the gambling capital of the world has already begun. Although it’s not good news for industry workers, owners and customers are happy because the work is being done more efficiently.
The bartender at Tipsy Robot in Las Vegas can make a drink in 90 seconds. In an hour, the robot can serve more than a hundred customers and make and serve about 120 cocktails.
Pechanga Resort and Casino in California decided to use robots for completely different purposes. Now it’s not humans but innovations that monitor security, and they do it 24/7.
The use of robots in Las Vegas casinos has thousands of workers in the industry worried. The future of some 38,000 bartenders, maids, cooks and croupiers is uncertain, and they are all in limbo. Some of them are convinced that the abandonment of human labor is a matter of time.
While all of the above is quite exciting, one important aspect should not be forgotten: the human factor. No matter how fast or efficient a robot can get the job done, it needs human help anyway.
The success of casino robots can be assessed in different ways. Indeed, some technologies are capable of performing human functions faster and more efficiently. We should not discount the gimmick effect and the excitement around everything unusual that we humans are so fond of creating. Among other advantages of robots there is only one significant drawback – nothing in this world can replace human communication. At least for now.